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Source (German) | Translation (English) |
Mogen owaus. |
Magen Avot. |
Herr Du warst in allen Stunden Unsrer Väter Schild und Hort, Und selbst an des Grabes Ort Hat die Hoffnung Dich gefunden. |
Lord you were at all hours Our fathers’ shield and refuge, And even in the place of the grave Has hope found you. |
Stark im Streit is Deine Macht, Doch Du schenkst uns auch den Frieden, Der den Lechzenden und Müden Nahet mit der Sabbatnacht. |
Your might is strong in strife, But you give us peace, as well To those who are weary and hungry With the Sabbath night drawing near. |
Mit der Nacht, da Dir zum Preise Unser Dank- und Loblied klingt, Das ein jeder Mund Dir singt In uralter Väterweise, |
With the night, in your praise Our thanksgiving and homage sounds, Which every mouth sings to you In the ancient way of our fathers, |
Wie am Schöpfungssabbattag Dich, o König, zu verehren, Klang in tausendstimm’gen Chören Jubelsang durch Feld und Hag. |
As on the Sabbath Day of Creation Your worship, O King, Resounds in thousand-voiced choirs Rejoicing through field and grove. |
Laß uns denn in unsrer Rast Deinen Frieden, Herr, genießen, Laß den Ruhetag uns grüßen, Den Du schickst als Himmelsgast. |
Let us then in our rest Enjoy your peace, Lord, Let the day of rest greet us, Whom you send as Heaven’s guest. |
Laß uns selber heilig sein Wie der Tag, den Du uns sendest. Der Du uns den Sabbat spendest, Herr des Friedens, wir sind Dein! |
Let us be [as] holy ourselves As the day you send us. You, who give us the Sabbath, Lord of peace, we are yours! |
This paraliturgical reflection of the prayer “Magen Avot” by Lise Tarlau (“Mogen owaus”) can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 79.
The transcription of the German provided machine-readable text for machine translations by DeepL, which we then edited for accuracy and clarity. We welcome any/all corrections, improvements, and additional transcriptions and translations of this work’s contents. –Aharon Varady

“Mogen owaus | Magen Avot, a paraliturgical adaptation by Lise Tarlau (1907)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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